Easy Homemade

If mint chip and cookies n' cream came together, they'd make Mint Oreo Ice Cream. With fresh mint flavor, plenty of chocolate cookie chunks, and a green hue, this dessert is especially perfect for St. Patrick's Day!

This ice cream is also: -Egg-free -Made with just 10 minutes of active prep time -Soft, creamy, and easy to scoop straight from the freezer!

1. Submerge fresh mint leaves in a mixture of heavy cream, sugar, and salt set over medium heat. Bring to a simmer, remove from heat, and let the mint steep (covered) for an hour.

2. Strain out the mint leaves and whisk in milk, vodka, extracts, and green food color. Cover and chill until cold - 40ºF or below!

3. Churn in an ice cream maker until thick and creamy, adding chopped Oreos during the last 3-5 minutes. 

4. Freeze until firm before serving - if you can manage to wait!  Then, dig in!

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